
Massachusetts District Court Criminal Defense Manual

Comprehensive and up-to-date guidance and practical advice for the constantly changing area of landlord-tenant law.

  • Product Number: 2236483WCH
  • Publication Date: 10/30/2023
  • Edition: 6th Edition 2023
  • Copyright: © 2023 MCLE, Inc.
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  • Product Description
  • Table of Contents
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  • Product Description

    Product Description

    Landlord and tenant law in Massachusetts comprises a myriad of statutes, regulations, and common law provisions. This book guides you through each stage of the landlord-tenant relationship, from the creation of a tenancy to its termination and posttermination issues, providing sample documents and pleadings for guidance. Featured are judicial and ethics commentary as well as tips for effective practice. The manual is full of the information you need to understand the complexities of real estate lease agreements and to represent both lessors and lessees in residential and commercial relationships.

    Recent updates:

    • Update: August 2022

      Dear Subscriber:

      Thank you for updating your reference library with the 2022 edition of Residential and Commercial Landlord-Tenant Practice in Massachusetts . This edition brings the latest in landlord-tenant law and procedure within your immediate reach—for fast answers to the questions that arise most frequently in your practice.

      There have been a number of important developments in the two years that have passed since this publication was last updated. Highlights from the 2022 edition include

      • reliance on the Violence Against Women Act as a defense to eviction;
      • a substantially revised discussion of reasonable accommodations in housing, including
        • the relative burdens on the tenant to make a reasonable accommodation request and the defendant to show, where applicable, that compliance with the request would impose an "undue burden" or result in a "fundamental alteration" of its program;
        • the interaction of reasonable accommodation requests with safety concerns and with participation in housing subsidy programs; and
        • the use of personal care attendants or live-in aides for persons with disabilities;
      • vicarious liability for discriminatory housing practices;
      • the Centers for Disease Control's reduction of the "reference value" used to identify individuals with lead exposure;
      • lead poisoning liability under Chapter 93A and general negligence principles;
      • a recent Supreme Judicial Court decision finding that an owner renting a house for a weekend had no duty of care to third parties where the renter had sole and exclusive possession of the home;
      • discontinuation of the "substantial factor" test and adoption of the traditional "but for" standard for determining causation in most tort cases;
      • guidance on eviction practices under court protocols adopted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic;
      • a statutory amendment providing that minors are not to be named in summary process complaints;
      • a finding that the court has equitable authority to require that tenants make interim use and occupancy payments during a summary process eviction trial;
      • recent Housing Court cases on standing;
      • numerous recent cases on postforeclosure eviction along with related statutory and judicial developments; and
      • an overview of Housing Court changes relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.

      With this latest edition, Residential and Commercial Landlord-Tenant Practice in Massachusetts remains an essential companion for any lawyer handling a landlord-tenant matter in Massachusetts. We at MCLE thank you for your ongoing support of this product, as we continue our efforts to bring you the latest solutions to the issues you face in your practice.

      Very truly yours,

      John M. Lawlor, Esq., MCLE Publications Attorney

  • Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

    expand all
    Chapter 01 expand
    Chapter 02 expand

    Criminal Practice in the Massachusetts District Courts

    Buy Chapter
    Gabrielle Mainiero,

    Exhibit 2A

    - Chief Justice Dawley Memorandum Regarding an Act Relative to Criminal Justice Reform Buy Form

    Exhibit 2B

    - Motion to Dismiss Criminal Complaint Against Defendant Buy Form

    Exhibit 2C

    - Affidavit in Support of Motion to Dismiss Criminal Complaint Against Defendant Buy Form

    Exhibit 2D

    - Motion to Dismiss or to Remand for a Show Cause Hearing Buy Form

    Exhibit 2E

    - Affidavit in Support of Motion to Dismiss or to Remand for a Show Cause Hearing Buy Form

    Exhibit 2F

    - Motion to Dismiss Count I of Complaint Against Defendant for Lack of Probable Cause Buy Form

    Exhibit 2G

    - Affidavit in Support of Motion to Dismiss Count I of Complaint Against Defendant for Lack of Probable Cause Buy Form

    Exhibit 2H

    - Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Probable Cause Buy Form
    Chapter 03 expand

    Exhibit 3A

    - Sample Client Interview Related to Medical Transition Buy Form
    Chapter 04 expand
    Chapter 06 expand

    Exhibit 6A

    - Resources Related to Ethics in Criminal Defense Practice Buy Form
    Chapter 07 expand
    Chapter 08 expand

    Checklist 8.1

    - Checklist for a Section 58A Hearing in the District Court Buy Form

    Exhibit 8A

    - Dangerousness Hearings Quick Reference Sheet (Created by Attorney Benjamin Selman) Buy Form

    Exhibit 8B

    - Motion for Notice Prior to G.L. c. 276, § 58A Hearing Buy Form

    Exhibit 8C

    - Motion for Leave to Summons Alleged Victim/Family Member of the Alleged Victim for Section 58A Hearing Buy Form
    Chapter 09 expand

    Mental Health Considerations at Arraignment and Beyond

    Buy Chapter
    Karen Owen Talley, Esq., Committee for Public Counsel Services, Mental Health Division
    Gregory P. Teran, Esq., Committee for Public Counsel Services

    Exhibit 9A

    - Motion for Funds for Independent Examination by a Clinician Buy Form

    Exhibit 9B

    - Motion to Dismiss in the Interest of Justice Buy Form

    Exhibit 9C

    - Motion to Dismiss in the Interest of Justice (An Intellectual Disability or Other Organic Brain Impairment) Buy Form

    Exhibit 9D

    - Motion to Purge Competency Report of Certain Information Buy Form
    Chapter 10 expand

    Pretrial Conferences, Pretrial Hearings, and Discovery Motion Practice

    Buy Chapter

    Exhibit 10A

    - Motion for Disclosure of Prior and Subsequent Bad Acts Buy Form

    Exhibit 10AA

    - Affidavit of Indigency in Support of Motion for Funds Buy Form

    Exhibit 10B

    - Motion for Bill of Particulars Buy Form

    Exhibit 10BB

    - Motion for List of Persons Present Buy Form

    Exhibit 10C

    - Defendant’s Motion for Body Wire and Tape-Recording Evidence Buy Form

    Exhibit 10CC

    - Motion for Disclosure of Precise Location of Seized Evidence Buy Form

    Exhibit 10D

    - Motion for Disclosure of Booking Sheet Buy Form

    Exhibit 10DD

    - Motion for Disclosure and Production of Medical Records of Complaining Witness Buy Form

    Exhibit 10E

    - Motion for Breath-Testing Device and Operator Information Buy Form

    Exhibit 10EE

    - Motion for Nonsuggestive Identification Procedure Buy Form

    Exhibit 10F

    - Motion for Disclosure of Chain of Custody Buy Form

    Exhibit 10FF

    - Defendant’s Motion for Discovery (OUI Case) Buy Form

    Exhibit 10G

    - Motion for Funds for Chemist Buy Form

    Exhibit 10GG

    - Motion for the Commonwealth to Preserve Evidence Buy Form

    Exhibit 10H

    - Motion for Exculpatory Evidence: Details of Interviews with Complainant Buy Form

    Exhibit 10HH

    - Motion for Exculpatory Evidence (Prior Complaint(s) of Sexual Assault) Buy Form

    Exhibit 10I

    - Motion for Composite Drawing Buy Form

    Exhibit 10II

    - Motion for Exculpatory Evidence (Prior Complaint(s) of Sexual Abuse—Child) Buy Form

    Exhibit 10J

    - Motion for Appointment of Court Reporter Buy Form

    Exhibit 10JJ

    - Motion for Funds for Psychiatric Evaluation Buy Form

    Exhibit 10K

    - Motion for Voir Dire Regarding Identification Procedures Buy Form

    Exhibit 10KK

    - Motion for Psychiatric History of Complaining Witness Buy Form

    Exhibit 10L

    - Motion for Discovery of Drug Analysis Buy Form

    Exhibit 10LL

    - Motion for Discovery Regarding Roadblock Buy Form

    Exhibit 10M

    - Motion for Production of Department of Children and Families Records Buy Form

    Exhibit 10MM

    - Motion for Production of School Records of Complaining Witness Buy Form

    Exhibit 10N

    - Motion for Notice of Expert Testimony Buy Form

    Exhibit 10NN

    - Motion for Disclosure of Informant Statements Buy Form

    Exhibit 10O

    - Motion for Production of Eye Examiner Buy Form

    Exhibit 10OO

    - Motion for Disclosure of Surveillance Location Buy Form

    Exhibit 10P

    - Motion for Discovery of Fingerprint Evidence Buy Form

    Exhibit 10PP

    - Motion for Production of Video Recording Buy Form

    Exhibit 10Q

    - Motion for Funds for Fingerprint Expert Buy Form

    Exhibit 10QQ

    - Motion to Preserve Video Recording (OUI Case) Buy Form

    Exhibit 10R

    - Motion for Statements of Complaining Witness Buy Form

    Exhibit 10S

    - Motion for Defendant to Remain Out of View During Eyewitness Testimony Buy Form

    Exhibit 10T

    - Motion for Disclosure of Identification Procedures Buy Form

    Exhibit 10U

    - Motion to Impound Records Buy Form

    Exhibit 10V

    - Motion for Disclosure of Informant Buy Form

    Exhibit 10W

    - Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion for Disclosure of Informant Buy Form

    Exhibit 10X

    - Motion for Disclosure of Informant Regulations Buy Form

    Exhibit 10Y

    - Motion for Funds for Interpreter Buy Form

    Exhibit 10Z

    - Motion for Funds for Investigator Buy Form
    Chapter 11 expand

    Exhibit 11A

    - Motion to Suppress Evidence Obtained from Warrantless Search Buy Form

    Exhibit 11B

    - Affidavit in Support of Motion to Suppress Evidence Obtained from Warrantless Search Buy Form

    Exhibit 11C

    - Posthearing Memorandum in Support of Motion to Suppress Evidence Obtained from Warrantless Search Buy Form

    Exhibit 11D

    - Motion to Suppress Evidence Obtained with Invalid Search Warrant Buy Form

    Exhibit 11E

    - Counsel’s Affidavit in Support of Motion to Suppress Evidence Obtained with Invalid Search Warrant Buy Form

    Exhibit 11F

    - Defendant’s Affidavit in Support of Motion to Suppress Evidence Obtained with Invalid Search Warrant Buy Form

    Exhibit 11G

    - Memorandum in Support of Motion to Suppress Evidence Obtained with Invalid Search Warrant (No Probable Cause) Buy Form

    Exhibit 11H

    - Memorandum in Support of Motion to Suppress Evidence (Search Warrant Based on Informant Information) Buy Form

    Exhibit 11I

    - Memorandum in Support of Motion to Suppress Evidence (Search Beyond the Scope of the Warrant) Buy Form

    Exhibit 11J

    - Motion to Suppress: Franks Hearing Buy Form

    Exhibit 11K

    - Affidavit in Support of Motion to Suppress: Franks Hearing Buy Form

    Exhibit 11L

    - Memorandum in Support of Motion to Suppress: Franks Hearing Buy Form

    Exhibit 11M

    - Motion to Suppress Evidence: Amral Hearing Buy Form

    Exhibit 11N

    - Affidavit in Support of Motion to Suppress Evidence: Amral Hearing Buy Form

    Exhibit 11O

    - Motion to Suppress Statements Buy Form

    Exhibit 11P

    - Affidavit in Support of Motion to Suppress Statements Buy Form

    Exhibit 11Q

    - Counsel’s Affidavit in Support of Motion to Suppress Statements Buy Form

    Exhibit 11R

    - Memorandum in Support of Motion to Suppress Statements Buy Form

    Exhibit 11S

    - Defendant’s Motion to Suppress Identification Buy Form

    Exhibit 11T

    - Affidavit in Support of Defendant’s Motion to Suppress Identification Buy Form

    Exhibit 11U

    - Memorandum in Support of Defendant’s Motion to Suppress Identification Buy Form

    Exhibit 11V

    - Defendant’s Motion to Sever Buy Form

    Exhibit 11W

    - Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss Firearm Charge Pursuant to Bruen and the Second Amendment Buy Form

    Exhibit 11X

    - Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss in the Interests of Justice Buy Form
    Chapter 12 expand

    Interlocutory Remedies: Review Before Direct Appeal

    Buy Chapter

    Exhibit 12A

    - Petition for Extraordinary Relief Buy Form

    Exhibit 12B

    - Affidavit in Support of Petition for Extraordinary Relief Buy Form

    Exhibit 12C

    - Notice of Appeal for Interlocutory Appeal of Denial of Defendant’s Motion to Suppress Evidence Buy Form

    Exhibit 12D

    - Petition for Interlocutory Appeal and Stay of Proceedings in the Trial Court Buy Form

    Exhibit 12E

    - Affidavit of Counsel in Support of Application for Interlocutory Appeal of Denial of Defendant’s Motion to Suppress Evidence Buy Form

    Exhibit 12F

    - Motion for Waiver of Entry Fee Buy Form

    Exhibit 12G

    - Affidavit in Support of Motion to Waive Entry Fee Buy Form

    Exhibit 12H

    - Affidavit of Indigency and Supplement to Affidavit of Indigency Buy Form

    Exhibit 12I

    - Memorandum of Law in Support of Application for Interlocutory Appeal of Denial of Defendant’s Motion to Suppress Evidence Buy Form

    Exhibit 12J

    - Certificate of Service for Application for Interlocutory Appeal Buy Form

    Exhibit 12K

    - Motion to Waive Entry Fee (Appeals Court) Buy Form

    Exhibit 12L

    - Memorandum of Law in Support of Petition for Extraordinary Relief Buy Form

    Exhibit 12M

    - Motion for Stay of Execution of Sentence Pending Appeal Buy Form

    Exhibit 12N

    - Affidavit in Support of Motion for Stay of Execution of Sentence Pending Appeal Buy Form

    Exhibit 12O

    - Memorandum in Support of Motion for Stay of Execution of Sentence Pending Appeal Buy Form
    Chapter 13 expand

    Checklist 13.1

    - Use of Experts Buy Form

    Exhibit 13A

    - Motion for Discovery of Prospective Expert Testimony, Physical Evidence, Medical Evidence, and Scientific and Forensic Tests Buy Form

    Exhibit 13B

    - Sample DNA Discovery Motions Buy Form

    Exhibit 13C

    - Motion for Expenses for Services of an Expert or Investigator Buy Form

    Exhibit 13D

    - Affidavit in Support of Motion for Expenses for Services for Expert or Investigator Buy Form

    Exhibit 13E

    - Affidavit of Indigency and Request for Waiver, Substitution, or State Payment of Fees and Costs Buy Form

    Exhibit 13F

    - Affidavit of Indigency in Support of Motion for Funds Buy Form

    Exhibit 13G

    - Motion for Submission of Ex Parte Affidavit in Support of the Defendant’s Motion for Expenses and Affidavit in Support Buy Form

    Exhibit 13H

    - Memorandum in Support of the Defendant’s Request to Submit an Ex Parte Affidavit in Support of the Defendant’s Motion for Expenses Buy Form

    Exhibit 13I

    - Notice of Appeal of Denial of Defendant’s Motion for Expenses Buy Form

    Exhibit 13J

    - Affidavit in Support of Defendant’s Appeal Buy Form

    Exhibit 17A

    - Notice of Appeal Pursuant to Rule 3 of the Massachusetts Rules of Appellate Procedure Buy Form

    Exhibit 17B

    - Defendant’s Motion for Leave to File Late Notice of Appeal Buy Form

    Exhibit 17C

    - Affidavit of Counsel in Support of Motion for Leave to File Late Notice of Appeal Buy Form
    Chapter 15 expand

    Checklist 15.1

    - Step-by-Step Checklist: Prepare to Be an Effective Advocate for Your Defendant-Client at Trial Buy Form
    Chapter 16 expand

    Plea Negotiations and Sentencing

    Buy Chapter
    Ambar Maceo-Rossi, Esq., Kelleher & Maceo, P.C.
    Chapter 17 expand

    Exhibit 17D

    - Order Granting Leave to File Late Notice of Appeal Buy Form

    Exhibit 17E

    - Defendant’s Motion for Approval of Late Filed Notice of Appeal and Petition Pursuant to G.L. c. 211, § 3 Buy Form

    Exhibit 17F

    - Memorandum in Support of Petition Pursuant to G.L. c. 211, § 3 Buy Form

    Exhibit 17G

    - Memorandum of Decision on Defendant’s Petition Pursuant to G.L. c. 211, § 3 Buy Form

    Exhibit 17H

    - Request for Transcript Buy Form

    Exhibit 17I

    - Motion for Stay of Execution of Sentence Pending Appeal and for Order to Stenographer to Produce Transcript Forthwith Buy Form

    Exhibit 17J

    - Motion for a Stay of Sentence or, in the Alternative, for Bail Pending Appeal Buy Form

    Exhibit 17K

    - Memorandum in Support of Motion for Stay of Execution of Sentence Buy Form

    Exhibit 17L

    - Affidavit in Support of Motion for Stay of Execution of Sentence Buy Form

    Exhibit 17M

    - Defendant’s Renewed Motion for Required Finding of Not Guilty or, Alternatively, for New Trial Buy Form

    Exhibit 17N

    - Motion to Revise and Revoke Defendant’s Sentence Buy Form

    Exhibit 17O

    - Affidavit in Support of Motion to Revise and Revoke Defendant’s Sentence Buy Form
    Chapter 18 expand


    Buy Chapter
    Shira M. Diner, Esq., Boston University School of Law

    Exhibit 18A

    - Motion for Order Permitting Access to Probation Records Buy Form

    Exhibit 18B

    - Affidavit in Support of Motion for Order Permitting Access to Probation Records Buy Form

    Exhibit 18C

    - Consent for the Release of Confidential Information Buy Form

    Exhibit 18D

    - Probationer’s Motion to Exclude Hearsay Statement Buy Form

    Exhibit 18E

    - Potential Money Assessments Buy Form
  • Editors & Authors

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