
Massachusetts Criminal Law Sourcebook & Citator

The law you need in one source

  • Product Number: 1860007B00
  • Publication Date: 4/26/2023
  • Edition: 2023 Edition
  • Copyright: © 2023 MCLE, Inc.
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  • Product Description

    Product Description

    A wide body of frequently-needed information organized into one resource. Both prosecutors and defense attorneys will find this popular publication saves valuable time when preparing for a trial or when looking for a quick reference. Enjoy easy access to key elements of particular crimes; what the Commonwealth needs to prove to support its case; distinctions between related crimes; the lesser included offense in a given crime; available defenses; procedural requirements; key evidentiary issues; penalties for particular crimes; and sentencing options.

    Recent updates:

    • Update: May 2024

      Dear Subscriber:

      Thank you for subscribing to annual updates to the Massachusetts Criminal Law Sourcebook & Citator . This 2024 revised edition brings together statutes, rules, commentary, and annotations for your fast and efficient reference. The following are just a few of the many updates in the new edition:

      • Part 1—Selected Statutes. Find amendments to G.L. c. 90, including new definitions, along with new notes on topics such as "no exception to consent requirement" and "Alcotest; presumption of misconduct."
      • Part 2—Crimes, Punishments, and Proceedings. Find new notes pertaining to "denial of requirement to waive jury trial," "mandatory life sentence," "sudden oral revelation of infidelity," and "identity of victim not element of offense."
      • Part 3—Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure. Find amendments and new notes pertaining to Rule 10 (Continuance).
      • Part 8—Probation and Probation Revocation Hearings. Find new material on admission of suppressed evidence in probation hearings and nonapplication of the exclusionary rule to probation violation proceedings.
      • Part 11—Alphabetical References to Evidence. See new entries under "admission by silence," "the doctrine of completeness," "gang affiliation," "joint venture," "package pleas," "evidence of prior corporal punishment," and more.

      We at MCLE trust that you will find this fresh material useful in your practice and in your criminal law library.


      MCLE Press

  • Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

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    Part 1 expand

    Selected Statutes

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    Part 2 expand

    Crimes, Punishments, and Proceedings in Criminal Cases

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    Part 3 expand

    Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure

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    Part 4 expand

    Rules of the Superior Court

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    Part 5 expand

    District/Municipal Court Rules of Criminal Procedure

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    Part 6 expand

    Massachusetts Rules of Appellate Procedure and Selected Appeals Court Rules

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    Part 7 expand

    District/Municipal Courts Rules for Probation Violation Proceedings

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    Part 8 expand

    Probation and Probation Revocation Hearings

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    Part 9 expand

    Elements and Penalties of Selected Crimes

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    Part 10 expand

    Schedule of Assessments for Civil Motor Vehicle Infractions

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    Part 11 expand

    Alphabetical References to Evidence

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  • Editors & Authors


    Nina L. Pomponio, Esq., Massachusetts Probation Services, Boston