The Henry H. Thayer Scholarship Fund
Henry H. Thayer
Partner, Rackemann, Sawyer & Brewster, Boston
Widely respected dean of the real estate titles bar who, for 50 years, has influenced the field of real estate law and those who practice it.
December 15, 2015—A committee of close friends and colleagues have joined together to establish a named scholarship fund to honor Henry H. Thayer whose dedication to his clients, leadership in the real estate bar, and career-long commitment to the education and training of others exemplify the best of our profession’s rich legal heritage. Each year, scholarships from this fund will benefit lawyers who serve the public interest, including practitioners who accept pro bono cases, legal aid staff attorneys, and other deserving lawyers who, without financial assistance, would not be able to attend MCLE programs. MCLE is grateful to the committee which is helping to launch this scholarship fund in Henry’s name: Daniel J. Bailey III; Edward M. Bloom, Leslie J. Cook, Daniel J. Ossoff, and Peter Wittenborg.
A graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School, Henry began his service in the U.S. Army Reserve as a private in 1955 and retired with the rank of Colonel in 1988. He spent his entire legal career at Rackemann, Sawyer & Brewster, from 1964 until his retirement last year. No issue was too big or too small for him, as he advised clients with respect to real estate titles as extensive as a city block or a 3600 acre tract or as local as the disputed use of a driveway.
An active MCLE volunteer throughout his career, he was the driving force behind updating and bringing back into use the seminal book on Massachusetts title and conveyancing practice Crocker’s Notes on Common Forms and contributed his special expertise on railroad titles to MCLE’s Real Estate Title Practice in Massachusetts. Henry is widely recognized as the “Dean of Titles” and has contributed immeasurably to the field of real estate law and to the training and professional development of the bar. President of the Massachusetts Conveyancers Association in 1988 (predecessor to the Real Estate Bar Association for Massachusetts), from which he received that organization’s highest honor, the Richard B. Johnson Award, in 1995, and a past president of the Abstract Club, Henry has been instrumental in leading and shaping the Massachusetts community of real estate lawyers.
Those who have the privilege of knowing him understand the tremendous influence that he has had—and continues to have—on those who practice real estate law in Massachusetts. Much of his career has been devoted to achieving excellence and serving others through teaching and mentoring generations of lawyers as well as representing many clients pro bono through his involvement with the Volunteer Lawyers Project of the Boston Bar Association. For his extensive work on pro bono matters, Henry received the BBA’s Pro Bono Award in 1991. It is our hope that endowing scholarships annually for public service lawyers to attend MCLE training programs is a fitting way to honor Henry’s personal commitment to the profession and the education of the bar.
Please consider commemorating Henry’s contribution to the profession and honoring him by making a gift to the Henry H. Thayer Scholarship Fund.
The Abstract Club
Jacquelyn Waters Adams
Benjamin O. Adeyinka
Katherine Alitz
Joshua M. Alper
Heidi S. Alexander
Paul F. Alphen
Jeffrey T. Angley
Deanna Atwood, CFE
Lauren D. Armstrong
Daniel J. Bailey III
Julie P. Barry
Bethany A. Bartlett
Robert L. Bell, Jr.
Kendra L. Berardi
George A. Berman
Joseph S. Berman
Stacey A.L. Best
Thomas Bhisitkul
Kimberly A. Bielan
Erica P. Bigelow
Conrad J. Bletzer, Jr.
Edward M. Bloom
Nancy I. Blueweiss
Barry Bluestone
Steven J. Bolotin
Richard Bramhall
Lynne Murphy Breen
Douglas J. Brunner
David J. Buczkowski
Rick Burke
Colleen M. Capossela
Patricia M. Carlson
Kate Moran Carter
Gary F. Casaly
Alexandria Castaldo
Eric A. Cataldo
Scott J. Clifford
Andrew H. Cohn
Leslie J. Cook
Kevin T. Creedon
Leo J. Cushing
James M. Czapiga
Daniel P. Dain
Brendan E. Dalton
Henry J. Dane
Kristi Kaufman Davison
Jutta R. Deeney
David L. Delaney
Lisa J. Delaney
Anthony E. DeSantis
Paula M. Devereaux
Noel M. Di Carlo
Francis M. DiSanti
Vicki S. Donahue
John M. Donnelly, Jr.
Denald Ellen Doonan
Laura W. Dorfman
Rodney S. Dowell
Tucker Dulong
Beth Marie Elliott
Melissa Ellis
Elizabeth A. Eromin
Michael A. Feldman
Saul J. Feldman
Adam D. Fine
John D. Finnegan
Tanner Fiske
Thomas J. Flaherty
Paul R. Foley PLS
Edward T. Forristall
Albert & Bente Fortier
Margaret M. Fortuna
Hon. Robert B. Foster
Mary B. Freeley
Peter Friedenberg
Robert J. Galvin
Jennifer Gavaletz
Kathleen M. Genova
Benjamin Giumarra
Michael J. Goldberg
Neil D. Golden
Hugh J. Gorman III
Ward P. Graham
Peter F. Granoff
Jordana Roubicek Greenman
Thomas L. Guidi
Christopher J. Gulotta
Eugene Gurvits
Michael R. Hagopian
Marc Hall
Meghan E. Hall
John R. Harrington
Stephanie Lynn Haughey
Jonathan Hausner
Derek B. Heltzel
Kathleen M. Heyer
Daniel C. Hill
Michael Holiday
Erika J. Hoover
Robert K. Hopkins
Richard P. Howe, Jr.
Margaret Bevin Hoyt-Rupert
Brian M. Hurley
Kurt A. James
Mark A. Jones
Matthew C. Kalin
Lawrence E. Kaplan
Kevin O. Kehoe
Stanley Keller
Michael P. Kelly
Katherine L. Kenney
Richard Keshian
Patricia M. Kester
Melanie E. Kido
Hannah L. Kilson
Jonathan S. Klavens
Kenneth A. Krems
Giles L. Krill
Kimberly K. Kroha
Paul D. Lambert
James Burton Lampke
April Anderson Lamoureux
Philip S. Lapatin
Chiara Urbani LaPlume
Susan B. LaRose
Luke Hoffman Legere
Dean T. Lennon
J. David Leslie
Jane Kenworthy Lewis
Kosta Ligris
Michael Livingood
Jeffrey B. Loeb
Danielle A. Long
Martin Loria
Barbara J. Macy
Jennifer A. Magiacomo
Michael E. Malamut
Christopher S. Malloy
Jennifer Markowski
Mary T. Marshall
Clive D. Martin
Kimberly L. Martin-Epstein
Robert A. McCall
Michael F. McDonagh
Katherine E. McGarr
Gregor I. McGregor
Hon. David A. Mills
Toni Mitchell
Julie Taylor Moran
Thomas O. Moriarty
Robert J. Moriarty, Jr.
Melissa B. Morrow
Maureen Mulligan
Kevin F. Murphy
Susan J. Nicastro & John E. Twohig
Francis J. Nolan
Richard S. Novak
Kathleen M. O’Donnell
Mary Olberding
Gordon M. Orloff
Daniel J. Ossoff
Julie M. Palmaccio
Eleftherios S. (Ted) Papadopoulos
Monica L. Passeno
Evelyn J. Patsos
Deborah J. Patterson
Donald R. Pinto, Jr.
Hon. Gordon H. Piper
Malcolm G. Pittman
Christopher L. Plunkett
Dominic Harris Poncia III
Michael E. Powers
Nicole Clawson Pratt
Terrence D. Pricher
Nerejda Katherine Prifti
Christine M. Provost
Faye B. Rachlin
Rackemann, Sawyer & Brewster
Rainen Law Office
Carrie B. Rainen
Joseph P. Ransom
Real Estate Bar Association for Massachusetts
Dan J. Rea
Joel M. Reck
William Reyelt
Reynolds, Rappaport, Kaplan & Hackney, LLC
Lisa M. Rico
Mernaysa Rivera-Bujosa
Diane R. Rubin
Roberta L. Rubin
Joseph S. Sano
Hon. Karyn F. Scheier
Catherine M. Scott
Richard M. Serkey
Ryan R. Severance
Nicholas P. Shapiro
Yvonne H. Silva
Michelle T. Simons
Shannon Slaughter
Allison Rose Smith
Edward J. Smith
Eric A. Smith
F. Sydney Smithers IV
Lauran A. Solar
Charles W. Soucy
Joel A. Stein
Robert W. Stetson III
Lisa Vesperman Still
Patrick F. Stone
Hon. Timothy F. Sullivan
Sara Ann K. Supple
Diane C. Tillotson
Diane E. Thompson
Kathryn A. Toomey
Douglas A. Troyer
Justin Tucker
Jayne B. Tyrrell
Mark Van Divner, CISO
Erin M. Vanden Borre
J. Patrick Walsh
Emil Ward
G. Emil Ward
George J. Warshaw
Jonathan M. White
Paul E. White
Peter Wittenborg
Elizabeth J. Young
Hon. Hiller B. Zobel